Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Zimbabwe Memories...

Not a day goes past when I don't think of Africa and my time in Zimbabwe! It's only been a few months I know, but life is moving on. I will never forget all the experiences, the big and little ones. Above is a picture of the small orphan's group I helped set up at Penhalonga. Nicolas tells me that the Sisters CZR are helping these children with so many various things. They all look SO happy in Nicolas' picture. I cried so much when I saw it! They are real, I know them, I love them, they are friends and they need help, but yet they still smile! Below is a picture of the children in an orphanage around the corner from mine, they were brilliant and happy children! All these people made me so happy but emptied me at the same time, and its torn me apart!

I'm so pleased Tariro is doing well and that these small groups are taking off, and that we are really helping people! Thank you Nicolas for bringing this news back! It still hurts to think of all that happened and all the experience, bad and good ones.

I met that little boy in the drain at Penhalonga. Then, the Sisters didn't know him. It hurts to think that maybe we could have done something more and to hear his news. Let's pray, seriously and hard, that his life WILL be OK. I still think of the little girl I saw left, neglected and abused. I still think of sad face, that possibly has never smiled. I think of those little brats at Penhalonga who beat me up and pulled the hairs on my head (we finally managed to finish reading a book though, so I did achieve something!!) I still remember all those people who were there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on and lean on. Both good and bad, I don't think I will ever forget. Thanks.

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